- Stripy stethoscope - for amazing listening powers
- ◆ Spotty bandages – whizz out of the Diddy Bag like colourful streamers
- Betterquick pink medicine – strawberry flavoured
- ‘Yuk!’ green medicine! – as it says!
- Diddyscope – a microscope that can zoom in on the nastiest of bugs!
- Pirate, princess & 3D plasters – like little butterflies,these fly out of the Diddy Bag when needed
- Diddy cream – sparkles when it is rubbed on!
- Blood pressure contraption – when the pressure is going up, it makes a funny noise
- Diddy torch – used for eyes and ears with an amazing kaleidoscope effect
- Diddy phone – pink and noisy, and plays the funkiest Diddy tunes
- Musical scales – plays tingly music when someone is weighed
- Super-duper walking thermometer – waddles along happily when left on its own