The educational goals set out for under five year olds address many of the factors to be found in the Nurse Diddy series; but particularly, the following points are clearly covered by the series:
Children learn to:
- recognise the importance of keeping healthy and those things which contribute to this;
- …. manage their own personal hygiene;
- have a developing awareness of their own needs, views and feelings and be sensitive to the needs, views and feelings of others.
Following on from this set of goals, there is the Personal, Social, and Health Education with Citizenship framework for children of five and upwards. This framework includes the theme ‘Staying healthy’ with one of the four main goals being for children to: ‘develop a healthier, safer lifestyle’. They also look at the roles of different people in society, including ‘People who help us’ such as nurses.
The Nurse Diddy series provides a fun opportunity to teach children the early years goals, whilst setting them up for their next stage of development.