Prior to Different Films, as executive producer, live-action supervisor and animation producer at Absolute Digital Pictures, Andy's output has included the hit children's series
Miss Spider's Sunny Patch Friends, Say it with Noddy, The Blobheads, Robbie the Reindeer – as well as numerous developments and pilots for HIT Entertainment, Imagination Holdings
and Entertainment Rights.
Broadcasters included the BBC, Channel 5, CBC and Nickelodeon.
In his 6 years at BBC Worldwide Andy produced, designed and project-managed interactive and licensed product for BBC Entertainment and BBC Sport brands as well as children's shows
as diverse as The Teletubbies, Wallace & Gromit, Bill & Ben, Yoho Ahoy, Noddy and The Tweenies.
Clips from previous productions can be browsed at the Different Films Archive site.
Click HERE to access the archive.